Now known more for his fearsome reputation as a curmudgeonly r&b; shouter in a hat, at one point in the dim and distant past, Van Morrison was, well... a happy curmudgeon. In the early '70s his magnificent voice and mystic vision were wedded to an id...
Dmitry Galuscenko is the author of several stories about computers, programming and electronics. The stories were originally published in Russian in FidoNet in the early 2000s. Later on they were republished in several magazines and books, translated...
New Zealand's Flight of the Conchords are seriously funny – Grammy nominated and single-handedly (can a duo be single handed?) keeping the Christmas stocking filler market afloat, they've been well and truly welcomed to the collective bosom of the co...
Perhaps surprisingly to some, Bass Generation marks ten years in the career of Swedish producer Jonas Altberg, whose arduous brand of house under the Basshunter moniker has only fallen on mainstream UK ears since early 2008. Yet he's risen through th...
That Q-Tip spent his own money to purchase the rights to this previously-shelved album suggests how close it is to his heart. That it took the name he chose when converting to Islam in the mid-90s, Kamaal, as its title suggested that this follow-up t...
One of the most unique shmup OST's for one of the most unique arcade shmups ever made, and arguably Tamayo Kawamoto's masterpiece. Not a single track here is forgettable or feels wasted.
The game starts with some fittingly energetic tunes ('Penetrati...