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# | Title | Length |
CD 1 | ||
1 | Scherzo per sedurti (I Joke to Seduce You) | 2:18 |
2 | Indecisione (Indecision) | 4:02 |
3 | Luce dell’alba (Light of the Dawn) | 4:20 |
4 | Se sapessi (If You Knew...) | 3:42 |
5 | Dolce ossessione (Sweet Obsession) | 3:43 |
6 | Equilibrio sospeso (Suspended Equilibrium) | 4:59 |
7 | Pelle contro pelle (Skin Against Skin) | 3:41 |
8 | Fuoco lento (Slow Fire) | 2:40 |
9 | Vecchie fotografie (Old Photos) | 2:42 |
10 | Dama di cuori (Queen of Hearts) | 3:00 |
11 | Colline (Hills) | 4:20 |
12 | All’improvviso (Suddenly) | 3:09 |
13 | Chiaroscuro (Light-Shade) | 2:50 |
14 | Dea dei giardini (Gardens’ Goddess) | 4:23 |
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