Nije pronađen nikakav kritički osvrt
# | Title | Length |
CD 1 | ||
1 | Ear Drums for Beer Runs at AA | 0:41 |
2 | Start Your Road Trip Now | 1:23 |
3 | My Father Is Time, My Mother Is Nature | 1:21 |
4 | Six Black Roses Are Sent to Your House | 2:58 |
5 | Audio Bibles Are Written on Stone Tablet Tables | 1:05 |
6 | Finger Paint With Bloodlike War Paint | 2:31 |
7 | That One Song You Play When You’re Faded | 2:10 |
8 | Mechanical Angel in Purgatory | 1:47 |
9 | Reflections for Scratching Your Face Off | 2:31 |
10 | Grey Skys in Psycho - Delic RGB | 1:27 |
11 | Idiot Savant Autistic Delivery | 5:34 |
12 | Bootleg Monster Movies | 5:13 |
13 | Montgomery Burns’ Quest for Power | 3:22 |
14 | Bladder Sweat a.k.a. Colon Soup Rockin’ the Mic | 4:16 |
15 | My Favorite Weapon Selection | 1:07 |
16 | High School Love Story Drop Out Song | 4:42 |
17 | Psychos Vs. Suckers Are the Branch Davidians | 0:45 |
18 | Buyin’ Friends on Ebay | 3:41 |
19 | Slowly Means God Is My Witness | 3:02 |
20 | A Trainwreck in the Netherworlds | 3:37 |
21 | The Rules of the Week | 5:03 |
22 | Turn Your Lights Off Conspiracy | 0:50 |