Julkaisu Montauk Variations artistilta Matthew Bourne 2012

Kirjoita arvostelu

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arvostelijalta Martin Longley 23.1.2012 0/0


# Title Length
CD 1
1 Air 4:21
2 The Mystic 7:49
3 Phantasie 2:42
4 Infinitude 5:01
5 Étude psychotique 1:04
6 Within 2:16
7 One for You, Keith 1:57
8 Juliet 3:22
9 Senectitude 1:06
10 The Greenkeeper 3:10
11 Abrade 2:31
12 Here 1:36
13 Gone 3:06
14 Knell 5:03
15 Cuppa Tea 5:43
16 Unsung 1:14
17 Smile 4:31