Cassette 1
1 |
2 |
Physics Before 1920
3 |
Quantum Physics
4 |
Nuclei and Particles
Cassette 2
1 |
Atomic Mechanics
2 |
An Experiment With Bullets
3 |
An Experiment With Waves
4 |
An Experiment With Electrons
5 |
The Interference of Electron Waves
6 |
Watching the Electrons
7 |
First Principles of Quantum Mechanics
8 |
The Uncertainty Principle
Cassette 3
1 |
Probability Wave Amplitudes
2 |
Measurement of Position and Momentum
3 |
Crystal Diffraction
4 |
The Size of an Atom
5 |
Energy Levels
6 |
Philosophical Implications
Cassette 4
1 |
The Laws for Combining Amplitudes
2 |
The Two-Slit Interference Pattern
3 |
Scattering From a Crystal
4 |
Identical Particles
Cassette 5
1 |
Filtering Atoms With a Stern-Gerlach Apparatus
2 |
Experiments With Filtered Atoms
3 |
Stern-Gerlach Filters in Series
4 |
Base States
5 |
Interfering Amplitudes
6 |
The Machinery of Quantum Mechanics
7 |
Transforming to a Different Base
Cassette 6
1 |
Transforming Amplitudes
2 |
Transforming to a Rotated Coordinate System
3 |
Rotations About the Z-Axis
4 |
Rotations of 180° and 90° About Y
5 |
Rotations About X
6 |
Arbitrary Rotations