CD 1
1 |
2 |
The Language of the Body
3 |
The Internal Monologue Date
4 |
Jogging Girl
5 |
Pretty Girls Are… (Pretty)
6 |
Platonic and Blue
7 |
What You Wore
8 |
Love Is a Two Racquet Sport
9 |
Is This a Plot?
10 |
Accidental Voyeur
11 |
Didn't Feel Better
12 |
13 |
I Won't Move a Muscle
14 |
Macho Love
15 |
I'm Sorry I Removed Your Eyes
16 |
17 |
Lucky Tonight
18 |
Hello Springtime
19 |
20 |
21 |
Roda and the Bunker
22 |
It Wasn't Me, It Was the Moon
23 |
The Woods
24 |
The Game
25 |
So It Went Like This…
26 |
I Promise I Will Not Murder You
27 |
Someone Behind the Door
28 |
Love (Twinned with Hate)
29 |
The Night Brings Hush
CD 2
1 |
Goodbye Martin
2 |
Fresh Follicles
3 |
The Pestle, the Mortar, the Memory
4 |
Dewdrops and Cigarettes
5 |
Daddy's Watching Slugs
6 |
Doing Dishes in the Dark
7 |
I Hope This Is a Dream
8 |
The Little Barricade
9 |
Completely, Maniacally Happy
10 |
Prime Ministers (1952 - Present)
11 |
12 |
I Want a Moustache, Dammit
13 |
Tesco Terrorism
14 |
15 |
Holy Hell, It's Cold
16 |
17 |
The House Is on Fire
18 |
Postcards From a Lunatic
19 |
This Is Odd
20 |
If We Were Playas
21 |
Imaginary Music
22 |
Lewis, What's That Scar?
23 |
24 |
Every Last Dinosaur
25 |
Stray Cats
26 |
Please Tell Me, How Are You?
27 |
Life Is Shit
CD 3
1 |
Let the Crisis Commence!
2 |
Genes and a Good Name
3 |
I'm Beau Brummell and I'm Just Dandy
4 |
5 |
Sad Spanish Eyes, Rodrigo
6 |
Do Androids Dream of Electric Nonsense?
7 |
Last of the Summer Wine
8 |
Everyone's Gone (Leslie Grantham's Back in Boyard)
9 |
Wake Up Bono
10 |
God Bless Apathy
11 |
An Ode to the Gastropub
12 |
Gin and Jazz
13 |
The Round System
14 |
A Nappy and a Nosebag
15 |
Hey There Fantastic Tramp
16 |
The Salesman
17 |
The Business Deal
18 |
I Took Some Pills I Found on the Floor
19 |
You're Getting Dressed in the Dark Again
20 |
Why You Smoking Weed?
21 |
It's Kicked In
22 |
The Richard Dawkins Conundrum
23 |
Everyday Is a Good Day
24 |
They're Everywhere
25 |
The Day the Animals Went Fuckin Crazy!
26 |
27 |
The Animals Are Spying on Me
28 |
The Tortoise Is a Complete Cunt
CD 4
1 |
The Lady Garden
2 |
Naughty Nights
3 |
A Gay Guy and a Dog
4 |
Clever Quote From Mark Twain
5 |
A Certain Girl
6 |
Take a Little Trip Inside
7 |
Yeah (Yeah)
8 |
Delete as Appropriate
9 |
The First Meeting
10 |
Tyler's Plan
11 |
I Need to Stop Thinking
12 |
I Believe in Eyes
13 |
I Took a Match to the Xmas Tree
14 |
Why's Nothing Ever Easy?
15 |
This Is Not a War
16 |
17 |
Laughing Now
18 |
And Alex Was Frustrated (Lyrics by Luke Thompson)
19 |
A Confession From Patriarchy
20 |
The Fighter
21 |
Every Time We Think of One Another (A Petal Falls From the Flowers on Our Graves)
22 |
I Remember… But It's Vague
23 |
Hello the Robotic Singularity
24 |
Humanity's Final Hour
25 |
Fly Up and Explode
26 |
27 |
Welcome Home, Quiet Marauder