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Name | Languages | Type |
Sonnet 20 [A woman’s face with Nature’s own hand painted] | English | Poem |
Sonnet 78 [So oft have I invoked thee for my Muse] | English | Poem |
Sonnet 28 [How can I then return in happy plight] | English | Poem |
Sonnet 25 [Let those who are in favour with their stars] | English | Poem |
Sonnet 117 [Accuse me thus; that I have scanted all] | English | Poem |
Sonnet 104 [To me, fair friend, you never can be old] | English | Poem |
Sonnet 95 [How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame] | English | Poem |
The Phoenix and the Turtle | English | Poem |
Sonnet 147 [My love is as a fever, longing still] | English | Poem |
Sonnet 7 [Lo, in the orient when the gracious light] | English | Poem |