Doris Lessing

Kirjuta arvustus

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This entity is also in the MusicBrainz Database as Doris Lessing.

Literary Works

Nimi Keel
Briefing for a Descent into Hell English
The Making of the Representative for Planet 8 English
Landlocked English
Die Kluft German
Das fünfte Kind German
The Grass Is Singing English
Shikasta: Canopus im Argos: Archive I German
Documents Relating to the Sentimental Agents in the Volyen Empire English
Ein süßer Traum German
Anweisung für einen Abstieg zur Hölle German
The Four-Gated City English
The Story of General Dann and Mara's Daughter, Griot and the Snow Dog English
Re: Colonized Planet 5: Shikasta English
The Sweetest Dream English
Die Terroristin German
The Fifth Child English
Das goldene Notizbuch German
The Cleft English
If the Old Could... English
The Golden Notebook English
The Marriages between Zones Three, Four, and Five English
The Summer Before the Dark English
Afrikanische Tragödie German
Martha Quest German
Mara and Dann English
A Proper Marriage English
Martha Quest English
The Good Terrorist English
Die Liebesgeschichte der Jane Somers German
The Memoirs of a Survivor English
Die Ehen zwischen den Zonen Drei, Vier und Fünf German
Ben in der Welt German
A Ripple from the Storm English
Sturmzeichen German
Das Tagebuch der Jane Somers German
The Diary of a Good Neighbour English
Die Geschichte von General Dann und Maras Tochter, von Griot und dem Schneehund German
Mara und Dann German
The Sirian Experiments English
Der Sommer vor der Dunkelheit German
Ben, in the World English
Die Memoiren einer Überlebenden German

Author information


Date of Birth

22. okt 1919

Date of Death

17. nov 2013
