Isaac Asimov

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This entity is also in the MusicBrainz Database as Isaac Asimov.

Literary Works

Navn Språk
Norby and Yobo’s Great Adventure English
Der Tausendjahresplan German
Sterne wie Staub German
Pebble in the Sky English
Норби спускается на Землю Russian
The Caves of Steel English
Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain English
Norby and the Lost Princess English
The Currents of Space English
Ströme im All German
Fantastic Voyage English
Murder at the ABA English
The Death Dealers English
Forward the Foundation English
Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids English
The Stars, Like Dust English
Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter English
Prelude to Foundation English
Gift vom Mars German
Nemesis English
Norby and the Queen’s Necklace English
Норби — необыкновенный робот Russian
Ein Sandkorn am Himmel German
Die Stiftung German
Der Mann von drüben German
Lunatico oder Die nächste Welt German
Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury English
Der fiebernde Planet German
Foundation’s Edge English
Норби и Старейшая Драконица Russian
Norby Down to Earth English
Norby Finds a Villain English
Lucky Starr auf den Jupitermonden German
Норби и захватчики Russian
The Naked Sun English
Foundation und Imperium German
Norby’s Other Secret English
Норби и пропавшая принцесса Russian
Норби ищет злодея Russian
Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn English
Nightfall English
Lucky Starr im Licht der Merkursonne German
The End of Eternity English
Die zweite Stiftung German
Radioaktiv...! German
Norby and the Invaders English
Stiftung und Imperium German
The Robots of Dawn English
Lucky Starr - Weltraumranger German
Sterne wie Staub German
Норби — маг и волшебник Russian
Das galaktische Imperium German
The Gods Themselves English
Robots and Empire English
Norby and the Court Jester English
David Starr, Space Ranger English
Foundation English
Норби и великое приключение адмирала Йоно Russian
Alle Wege führen nach Trantor German
Kind der Zeit German
Lucky Starr auf der Venus German
Zweite Foundation German
Norby and the Oldest Dragon English
Foundation and Empire English
Lucky Starr im Asteroidengürtel German
Норби и ожерелье королевы English
Child of Time English
Norby the Mixed Up Robot English
Die nackte Sonne German
Foundation and Earth English
Die phantastische Reise German
Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus English
Der Aufbruch zu den Sternen German
Lucky Starr und die Saturnringe German
Second Foundation English
Foundation German
Die Rückkehr zur Erde German

Author information


Date of Birth

2. jan. 1920

Date of Death

6. apr. 1992

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