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# | Title | Length |
CD 1 | ||
1 | "We Praise Thee, O God" | 6:31 |
2 | "To Thee All Angels Cry Aloud" | 2:23 |
3 | "To Thee Chrubim And Seraphim" | 3:27 |
4 | "The Glorious Company Of Th'Apostles" / "Thine Honourable, True And Only Son" | 3:00 |
5 | "Thou Art The King Of Glory" | 2:43 |
6 | "When Thou Tookst Upon Thee" | 3:12 |
7 | "When Thou Hadst Overcome The Sharpness Of Death" / "Thou Didst Open The Kingdom Of Heaven" | 2:07 |
8 | "Thou Sittest At The Right Hand Of God" | 6:54 |
9 | "Day By Day We Magnify Thee" / "And We Worship Thy Name" | 3:24 |
10 | "Vouchsafe, O Lord" | 1:49 |
11 | "O Lord, In Thee Have I Trusted" | 3:45 |
12 | "Dixit Dominus" | 5:29 |
13 | "Virgam Virtutis" | 2:42 |
14 | "Tecum Principium" | 2:52 |
15 | "Juravit Dominus" | 2:34 |
16 | "Tu Es Sacerdos" | 1:42 |
17 | "Dominus A Dextris Tuis" | 5:36 |
18 | "Conquassabit" | 1:02 |
19 | "De Torrente In Via" | 3:01 |
20 | "Gloria Patri" | 6:24 |