CD 1
1 |
2 |
The Advantages Of Floating In The Middle Of The Sea
3 |
Scene: Even In A Land...
4 |
Scene: The Prisoner's Name?
5 |
6 |
Scene: What Did The Councillors Say?
7 |
There Is No Other Way
8 |
Four Black Dragons
9 |
Scene: They Come From A Land...
10 |
Scene: Please. I Am Here.
11 |
Scene: Why Do They Laugh?
12 |
Scene: Please! I Must Speak.
13 |
Scene: Disaster!
14 |
Chrysanthemum Tea
15 |
Scene: The Americans Have Not Left!
16 |
Scene: My Lord Governor Of Uraga...
17 |
18 |
Tamates's Death
19 |
Welcome To Kanagawa
20 |
Scene: The Americans Insisted...
21 |
Scene: From The Personal Journal...
22 |
March To The Treaty House
23 |
Scene: No One Knows What Was Said...
24 |
Someone In A Tree
25 |
Scene: Whatever Happened...
26 |
Lion Dance
CD 2
1 |
Scene: The Spiritual Heart...
2 |
Scene: The Americans Did Not Come.
3 |
Please Hello
4 |
Admiral Exeunt
5 |
Scene: The Americans Did Not Come...
6 |
Scene: The Tale Of The Courageous King
7 |
Scene: An Intriguing Performance.
8 |
Scene: Two Men, Whose Fortunes...
9 |
A Bowler Hat
10 |
Scene: Kenjitsu, The Ancient Art...
11 |
Pretty Lady
12 |
Scene: The Murder Of These English...
13 |
Scene: You Are Sure That The Indemnity...
14 |
Scene: Death To All Traitors!
15 |
Scene: In The Name Of The Emperor
16 |