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# | Title | Length |
CD 1 | ||
1 | Intro (Ett Dygn; Twenty-Four Hours) | 1:00 |
2 | Gryning (Dawn) | 1:40 |
3 | Morgon (Morning) | 6:01 |
4 | Dagtid (Daytime) | 5:53 |
5 | Sen Eftermiddag; Kväll (Late Afternoon/Evening) | 10:37 |
6 | Natt (Night) | 6:20 |
7 | The Inspired Vulture | 5:53 |
8 | Den Lilla Malcolm (Little Malcolm) | 9:22 |
9 | Rebecca | 6:52 |
10 | Den Hoppande Emil (Jumping Emil) | 5:31 |
11 | Thank You And Farewell - Part 1 | 2:02 |
12 | Thank You And Farewell - Part 2 | 4:19 |
13 | Thank You And Farewell - Part 3 | 8:16 |