Cuckooland by Robert Wyatt 2003

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by Chris Jones 18 сент. 2003 г. 0/0


# Title Length
12" Vinyl 1
A1 Just a Bit 5:07
A2 Old Europe 4:16
A3 Tom Hay’s Fox 3:32
A4 Forest 7:55
B1 Beware 5:09
B2 Cuckoo Madame 5:08
B3 Raining in My Heart 2:42
B4 Lullaby for Hamza 4:28
B4.2 Silence 0:30
12" Vinyl 2
C1 Trickle Down 6:47
C2 Insensatez 4:20
C3 Mister E 4:20
C4 Lullaloop 2:58
D1 Life Is Sheep 4:14
D2 Foreign Accents 3:48
D3 Brian the Fox 5:28
D4 La Ahada Yalam (No‐One Knows) 4:12
This is a tracklist from one of the releases. See all releases on MusicBrainz.