No hemos encontrado reseñas.
Nombre | Lenguaje |
We Need One Another | English |
Das einzig Wahre | German |
The Captain’s Doll | English |
Pornographie und Obszönität | German |
Das Mädchen und der Zigeuner | German |
Give Her a Pattern | English |
Pornography and Obscenity | English |
Making Love to Music | English |
Gib ihr eine Rolle | German |
The Ladybird | English |
Sich-Lieben mit Musikbegleitung | German |
The Virgin and the Gipsy | English |
Wir brauchen einander | German |
Date of Birth11 sept 1885
Date of Death2 mar 1930
Enlaces externosCritiqueBrainz is a repository for Creative Commons licensed music and book reviews. It is based on data from MusicBrainz and BookBrainz, open music and book encyclopedias.