MGP Allstars 2012 (Danish MGP 2012 - All together)

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      Artist information


      Former members
      • Moriwa ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish childrens MGP band 2012)
      • Freja-bella ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish childrens MGP band 2012)
      • Sille ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish childrens MGP band 2012)
      • Energy ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish childrens MGP band 2012)
      • MC Vernes ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish childrens MGP band 2012)
      • Josephine ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish MGP 2012)
      • Sofie ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish MGP 2012)
      • De To Amigos ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish childrens MGP band 2012)
      • Astrid ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish childrens MGP band 2012)
      • The Allstars ( 2012-2012 )
        (Danish childrens MGP band 2012)
      External links

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